Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let Me Explain

My life has changed dramatically since my last blog post. I've been through 2 jobs, 2 love interests, and 2 classes at school. This post is basically going to be an explanation and a huge apology to my friends and family for being MIA for the past few months. This isn't a funny, ridiculous post like my last ones. Just an update on my life. 

The last time I blogged, I was just scratching the surface at school, still had a part time job at the construction company, and still had time to have a social life. I had no idea how easily and quickly my life could be turned upside down just by deciding to go to culinary school. When I walked in to my first class July 31st, I had absolutely no culinary skills. Sure I'd try new things in my home kitchen or cook big meals at the cabin for friends and family, but I didn't know how to hold a knife properly or temper eggs or make whipped cream--all things that are basic and stupidly simple now that I've been introduced to this new world. 

6 year old cupcake birthday party at school 
Shortly after beginning school, I started my job search for a kitchen position knowing that I would take a major pay cut. I applied for a job at a corporate cupcake shop with no confidence of even getting an interview. I mean, who would interview a girl with no experience baking other than out of a Duncan Hines box, sloppily slathering on store bought, disgusting icing, throwing some sprinkles on top and calling it a day. With in a week of applying, I got an interview and was offered the job. I freaked the fuck out. I was actually starting my culinary career...or so I thought. I went from working 20 hours a week to 40 on top of 24 hours of school a week, working school events when I could squeeze them in, and sorority recruitment advisor and alumnae/collegiate relations advisor. I knew I was making a huge sacrifice and would never see my friends and family, but I was beyond excited. Fast forward two months: the thought of a cupcake made me want to vomit. The thought of driving 30 minutes to Germantown every morning at 4:30 for work made me want to vomit. Every thing about working there made me want to vomit. Chefs didn't respect me when I told them where I worked, everyone I met started labeling me as cupcake girl, I was spending more on gas than I was making, and I didn't feel like I was really baking. I had made a terrible mistake and was stuck in fucking cupcake hell. 

One Sunday I signed up to volunteer through school at the Harvest Celebration at the Memphis Farmers Market downtown. Sundays are my day. I don't want to do a fucking thing except eat and sleep in between loads of laundry. But, my advisor at school asked me to be in charge of the students for her so I gave in. I wasn't happy. Plus, it was 35 degrees that Sunday and I was hungover and miserable and hated my life and wanted to spend the day watching football with my man friend. We've since broken up. Everyone knows a boy can't keep my interest for more than 2 or 3 months anyway. Back to the story. Even though I had bitched all day about having to work this event, I finally drug myself out of my warm bed, threw on my chef coat, and went to the Farmers Market. 

And you know what? Thank the good Lord in Heaven for working in mysterious ways. Listen to this shit.

My advisor's daughter came up to me, introduced herself, and went on an on about how much her mom loved me. I love her too. She's like my mom. People at school don't ask where Chef Myers is. They ask where my mom is. It's kind of weird, but whatever. So daughter knows from Chef Mom that I hate my job. She introduced me to the chef and owner of Bluff City Coffee who were at the event handing out mini death by chocolate cakes and mini country apple cheesecakes. I spent the rest of the night handing out their desserts and hanging out with their chef. It began with "Hey, I'm Meredith" and a hand shake to being asked to come hang out in his kitchen on my day off for a potential job. Next thing I know, I go to "hang out" and am thrown an apron and some recipes and told to produce his desserts. Then I'm offered the job, I quit the cupcake place, work on my days off, and really start my career. 

Death By Chocolate cake I made at Bluff City Bakery
I've been working full time for Bluff City Coffee for two weeks and have already learned so much, picked up on new skills, and been introduced to so many people that can advance my career. For those of you who aren't from Memphis, let me explain my job. I don't serve coffee or make cookies for the coffee shop. We not only make products for the shop, but we outsource breads and desserts to restaurants in town as well. On a normal day, I'll make focaccia, pizza dough, baguettes, hamburger buns, slider buns, pies, tarts, cakes, etc. It's overwhelming. I've only been in a kitchen since July 31st, but even in that short of time, I've gone from box cake mix to producing amazeballs, sinful desserts and top notch breads. 

Now, I work M-F (or more) 4:00 am-11:30/until, then go to school from 1:30-7:30 pm, and work events for school. I'm gone for 16+ hours a day and spend the majority of that standing in a concrete floored kitchen. Come Friday, I'm mentally and physically exhausted. I don't want to go out of town, I don't want to go to a wedding, I don't want to do anything but sleep. So if I don't call you, or I don't come to your party or baby shower or whatever, know that I still love you. I still care about you. I'm still happy for you. Or whatever the case may be. And I try to go to as many things as I can and keep in touch when I can. But know this, it's not because I don't care. There's just only so much that I can do and fit in to my schedule. So, that being said, I just want to say that I'm sorry to everyone who hasn't heard from me. 

And it's now close to my bed time.